Games Gadgets n Technology
Friday, October 27, 2006
Movie version of halo meets road block

Peter Jackson, who defied all Hollywood expectations by bringing “The Lord of the Rings” to the silver screen, may have a tougher challenge on his hands: Delivering the first blockbuster video-game movie.
When Jackson signed on to produce the film version of the game “Halo,” the project looked unstoppable – until co-financers Universal and Fox abruptly backed out.
Hollywood trade paper, Variety, reported rumours of an out-of-control budget, but a representative for Jackson and his partner, Fran Walsh, said that the studios had demanded a pay cut for the filmmakers at the last minute.
Microsoft issued a statement saying, “We are disappointed that Universal and Fox wanted to significantly renegotiate the financial points of the deal,” but added that Jackson, Walsh and “the rest of the creative team are dedicated to ensuring the Halo movie becomes a reality.”
posted by strangebeauty at 7:08 PM

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